Everyone who accesses Pexels content must adhere to the same Terms and Conditions, whether using our website, apps or API. The Pexels terms and conditions can be found here in summary format and here for the complete text.
Particular to note for the purposes of our API is the following excerpt from Section 5.5. The Pexels License does not include:
- the right to compile any Pexels Content to replicate a similar or competing Service;
- the right to sell copies of the Pexels Content without first updating, modifying, or otherwise incorporating new creative elements into the Content (i.e., selling unaltered copies of photos, videos or other content), including selling the Content as prints or printed on physical goods.
To further clarify, this means that wallpaper apps are not permitted under our Terms and Conditions.
Additionally, when it comes to printing on products for resale we do not allow API access or allow businesses to sell products with Pexels images, if the driving factor of the sale is the image itself. With that said, individual users are allowed to come to Pexels, search and download an image then have it printed themselves for personal use.