Congrats on taking your first step to empowering creatives around the world 🎉
After uploading, you will immediately be able to see your photos and videos on your profile. Behind the scenes, the review and curation process has begun.
The Pexels curators are trained professionals that manually review every image and video that gets uploaded to Pexels. They're mostly checking for quality (to make sure the submissions meet our Upload Guidelines) but are also verifying copyright (to ensure the photos or videos belong to the photographer who uploaded them).
The team selects the best photos and videos to feature in our search results, with the very best getting curated to the Pexels homepage. This review process is typically completed in under 24 hours.
If your work is featured or curated you’ll receive an email notification. Featured and curated content is also distributed via the Pexels API. With API partners like Canva, Airtable, Sketch, and Typeform, this provides opportunities for millions more creators to find, view, and use your work.