All photos and videos uploaded on Pexels are licensed under the Pexels license. This means you can use them for free for personal and commercial purposes without attribution. For more information read the following questions in this guide, or refer to our license page or our Terms of Service.
Articles in this section
- Where to find my Download history?
- Can I use photos and videos from Pexels in a political campaign?
- What is Pexels and how does Pexels work?
- Can I use the photos and videos for a commercial project?
- Can I sell photos or videos from Pexels?
- What is the license of the photos and videos on Pexels?
- Are the photos and videos on Pexels really free?
- What are the benefits of joining Pexels?
- What's the best way to thank a photographer?
- What's the appropriate way to give credit to the photographer?