Pexels’ users, trusted flaggers and members of the public can use Pexel’s in-product reporting features or this form to report photos and videos that may be illegal under EU law or otherwise violates Pexels’ Terms of Use.
To report private messages that may be illegal under EU law or otherwise violates Pexels’ Terms of Use, please email
Please include the following information in your email:
- An explanation of the reasons why you believe the content is illegal, including which country you think the content is illegal in and which law it breaches (if possible);
- The URL/s and/or screenshots of the content and, where necessary, any additional information required to help us identify the content;
- Your name and email address (optional), so that we can inform you about the outcome of your report; and
- A statement confirming your belief that the information and allegations in your notice are accurate and complete
Multiple submissions of unfounded reports may result in the temporary suspension of your reporting privilege for a period of 90 days, during which time we will not process your reports.